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Income and Beneficiaries

The Charity’s assets are professionally managed and provide the income which is available for distribution by the Trustees. The capital is retained by the Charity to provide a steadily rising income. At present the capital value is about £2.7 million, which generates an income, after the deduction of administrative costs, of over £60,000 per annum for distribution. Both capital value and income vary according to prevailing economic conditions.

Under the terms of the Trust Deed the Charity’s income is to be divided into two equal parts:

  • One part - THE ECCLESIASTICAL FUND – is to be used:
    1. - towards the repair and maintenance of St. Mary’s Church, Almondsbury, St. Peter’s
      Church, Pilning, Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke, St. Chad’s Church, Patchway
      and All Saints Church, Compton Greenfield.
    2. - to further the religious and other charitable work of the Church of England in
      the area of benefit.
  • The other part – THE EDUCATION AND RELIEF FUND - is to be used for:
    1. - relief for those in need
    2. - relief for those who are sick
    3. - the advancement of education

The Education and Relief Fund can provide help for both individuals and organisations.

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